1. Meetup of the Berlin R Users Group

2015-06-24 @ Microsoft Berlin Digital Eatery (Berlin, DE)

Konstantin Greger

Schedule for today

Time What's happening
19:00 doors open
19:30 Konstantin Greger (@kogreger): "Welcome address and brief group introduction"
~19:45 Berry Boessenkool (Universität Potsdam, @berryboessenkoo): "Why you need an umbrella on hot days - R application in hydrometeorological data analysis"
~20:15 Daniel Kirsch (@kirel): "Analyzing children's relay times for fun and... gold medals"
afterwards socializing & networking
22:00 doors close

Our group sponsors

plot of chunk leftSponsor

plot of chunk rightSponsor

Number of group members

plot of chunk groupStats

Ratio of meetup attendance registration

(Source: meetup.com, current number of group members = 184)

plot of chunk attendanceStatsB

"I'd go to a group meeting""

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 35)

plot of chunk surveyQ05B

"I would present something myself one day"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 34)

plot of chunk surveyQ07B

"I'd like to have the talks at the meetings be recorded"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 32)

plot of chunk surveyQ09B

"I'd like to have the talks at the meetings be live streamed"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 31)

plot of chunk surveyQ10B

"Group meetings would work best for me on ..."

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 30)

plot of chunk surveyQ11B

"Group meeting should start ..."

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 34)

plot of chunk surveyQ12B

"Group meetings should be ..."

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 32)

plot of chunk surveyQ13B

"Group meetings would be most interesting for me if ..."

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 35)

plot of chunk surveyQ06B

"My field of work/research"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 35)

plot of chunk surveyQ21B

"I'm ..."

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 35)

plot of chunk surveyQ20B

"I'm using R ..."

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 34)

plot of chunk surveyQ03B

"My R proficiency level"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 35)

plot of chunk surveyQ02B

"My highest degree"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 35)

plot of chunk surveyQ19B

"My english proficiency"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 34)

plot of chunk surveyQ22B

"My other language skills"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 32)

plot of chunk surveyQ23B

"I have been living in Berlin ..."

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 35)

plot of chunk surveyQ24B

You are the group - the group is you!



Schedule for today

Time What's happening
19:00 doors open
19:30 Konstantin Greger (@kogreger): "Welcome address and brief group introduction"
~19:45 Berry Boessenkool (Universität Potsdam, @berryboessenkoo): "Why you need an umbrella on hot days - R application in hydrometeorological data analysis"
~20:15 Daniel Kirsch (@kirel): "Analyzing children's relay times for fun and... gold medals"
afterwards socializing & networking
22:00 doors close

Backup slides

"My gender"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 35)

plot of chunk surveyQ17B

"My age"

(Source: BerlinRUG member survey, n = 35)

plot of chunk surveyQ18B