Andreas Busjahn
Creating output for collaborators/customers:
R Markdown
In RStudio:
File->New File->R Markdown
Will ask for some basic information and type (can be changed later!)
Creates a prefilled document with examples
load your template xxx.Rmd
Change content to your needs
Click on the clew of yarn with needles and knit your docx
This saves your script!!
Can be set for each chunk in header:
{r import, echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE, results='hide',message=FALSE}
Can be set globally
opts_chunk$set(message=F,warning=F,comment=NA,echo=F, dpi=300,fig.width=plotsize*1.5, fig.height=plotsize*1.2)
I tend to suppress source code echoing in reports
reference_docx: template.docx